Dear Resident
I have been proud to serve Knowle Ward as your Councillor for the past four years and to have made things happen for individuals, groups of residents and the community as a whole in that time. Whether dealing with major issues, such as inappropriate developments or flooding, or all too frequent irritants, e.g. potholes and overgrown hedges, I have been pleased to intervene and get results.
A resident since the early eighties, I am a long-standing volunteer, eager to keep Knowle a great place to live, playing very active roles as a Trustee of the Knowle Society and as a founding Director of Visit Knowle.
I have taken a lead in running some much-appreciated community events, such as the Jubilee and Coronation celebrations and last year’s Station Road Market and in planning repeat events for 2024.
I like to think that through all of these activities, I make a significant contribution to our community life and provide a strong and well- connected representative voice for our residents and businesses.