Having played a pivotal role in delivering a petition with 1705 signatures, your Ward Councillors continue to be very concerned about empty shops and general appearance in the centre of Knowle.
The petition made clear that the community is united in its wish for property owners to address the issue.
Meanwhile, the planned regeneration of the Precinct is held up. The developer had made a statement that the scheme, at present, and in the light of “construction and material costs, changes in the economy and inflation …will be unviable” but is now exploring with the Council the feasibility of just renewing shopfronts and filling empty units for the time being.
Councillor Dave Pinwell says;
The West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street, and Leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Courts, joined us before Christmas to see the situation for themselves. This situation is complex, but, collectively, we will explore all possible avenues to resolve it.