Dear Resident
It has been a privilege to serve as your councillor for the last 12 years. I wanted to become a councillor because I am passionate about the future of our local area. I have lived in Balsall Common for over 25 years and love walking and cycling in the open countryside. I want to ensure that the character of Meriden, Fen End, Millisons Wood, Berkswell and Balsall Common is protected, and that any future development is sympathetic to our local needs.
I have worked closely with residents to minimise the impact of new housing on our local area, including the development of new areas of green space such as at Frog Lane and around the Berkswell Windmill that we can all use and enjoy.
I have had the pleasure of meeting and helping many local residents with a range of issues such as inappropriate development and crime and anti-social behaviour. I have secured over £3,000 for the Meriden Big Picture Show and also helped secure funding to re-vamp the Jubilee Centre. I am also a member of the Balsall Common Litter Pickers.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your local Councillor by re-electing me on 2nd May