Saqib Bhatti MP and Cllr Tony Dicicco team up to address Nitrous Oxide scourge
Many residents are concerned about the increasing numbers of nitrous oxide cylinders being dropped. Known as laughing gas, this gas is actually no funny matter. Both Councillor Dicicco and Saqib Bhatti MP are very concerned about its serious health consequences. Whilst having legitimate uses in catering, it is pushed as a low risk drug by those interested in making money. The scale of the problem has esca-lated with the original small “silver bullets”, being replaced by much bigger “industrial” cylinders.
Working a dual strategy on both local and national level, Councillor Tony Dicicco has been working with the Solihull Public Health team to create and deliver a health education package which is being rolled out across schools and elsewhere across the Borough. Meanwhile, as part of his campaign to tackle fly tipping and anti-social behaviour, Saqib Bhatti MP has been working in Westminster to obtain a change the legislation on the gas, which currently is ineffective. The Government is now seriously considering banning its possession in public, whilst ensuring only those with a legitimate reason would be exempt. Saqib is pleased that his campaign is making progress.