Crime has a serious impact on our community and on the lives of those who are the victims of crime. Unfortunately, under the Labour Police and Crime Commissioner, crime has risen in the Solihull Borough and the future of Solihull Police Station remains unclear, so we want to know your thoughts.
We’re determined to ensure the extra 1,376 police officers already recruited in the West Midlands are focused on the right priorities.
That’s why we want to make sure local people have their say on their priorities.
But with a number of police stations across the region threatened with closure, including Solihull Police Station (set to close sometime at or after autumn 2025), we also need to demonstrate how strongly our community values having a Police Station.
So why not take part in our survey below, and share your priorities for cutting crime locally? It takes just sixty seconds to fill in the survey. The overall results of this survey will help us explain local priorities to the new Chief Constable.
That way, we can make sure the Police are focused on your concerns and are totally clear on how important having a Police Station in Solihull is — and together we can cut crime and antisocial behaviour around the Borough.
So, let’s cut antisocial behaviour, make our streets safer and improve life for local people. Fill in our short crime survey and help make the Solihull Borough safer.