Residents will be aware the application to redevelop the Morrisons site by the MACC Group was overwhelmingly refused earlier this year.
Cllr Mark Parker said; “The existing proposal would have had a huge impact on the residents of Sutherland Avenue and beyond into Wayfield Road due to the height of the building and traffic, together with the loss of privacy. However, we’ve recently been advised that the developer has now lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate. We urge residents to have their say before the closing date of 31st October.”
Objections to the appeal can be lodged:
Please ensure you quote the application reference: APP/Q4625/W/22/3306643
Alternatively, you can write to: Aisosa Charles, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN.
Cllr Parker said; “It’s been a hard fought battle against this planning application and we continue to support residents and defend and raise their concerns.