Conservative led Solihull Council has frozen Council Tax again for residents. Councillor Ken Meeson, Leader of the Council said: "I am pleased that despite continued reductions in government funding the council has been able to introduce further efficiencies and find sufficient savings to enable council tax to be frozen for a third year. Our priority as always is to protect essential public services and provide support to the most vulnerable members of the community. With the forthcoming changes to benefits I am also pleased that we will be increasing funding to the Citizens Advice Bureau and other agencies that will assist claimants to find their way through the system and receive their proper entitlement.
We are fortunate in Solihull to have a great team of council staff who turn our aspirations into reality and continue to ensure that the public receive value for money and maintain Solihull’s reputation for excellence."
However, residents will notice a increase in their bills as the recently elected Police & Crime Commissioner has increased the Police & Fire precepts. It is worth noting that Police Commissioners were supposed to be more accountable, and save money but sadly this hasn't turned out to be the case.